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destroy() method in Tkinter | Python

Tkinter supports a variety of methods to perform various tasks. It also offers some universal method.

destroy() is a universal widget method i.e we can use this method with any of the available widgets as well as with the main tkinter window.


widget_object = Widget(parent, command = widget_class_object.destroy)

This method can be used with after() method.

Code #1: destroy() method passed as command

# importing only those functions
# which are needed
from tkinter import * 
from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating tkinter window
root = Tk()
# Creating button. In this destroy method is passed
# as command, so as soon as button 1 is pressed root
# window will be destroyed
btn1 = Button(root, text ="Button 1", command = root.destroy)
btn1.pack(pady = 10)
# Creating button. In this destroy method is passed
# as command, so as soon as button 2 is pressed
# button 1 will be destroyed
btn2 = Button(root, text ="Button 2", command = btn1.destroy)
btn2.pack(pady = 10)
# infinite loop


As you may observe, in above code that the command that is passed in button-2 is to destroy button-1 so as soon as you press button-2, button-2 will get destroyed.

Code #2:destroy() method with after() method

# importing only those functions
# which are needed
from tkinter import * 
from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating tkinter window
root = Tk()
# Creating button. In this destroy method is passed
# as command, so as soon as button 1 is pressed root
# window will be destroyed
btn1 = Button(root, text ="Button 1")
btn1.pack(pady = 10)
# Creating button. In this destroy method is passed
# as command, so as soon as button 2 is pressed
# button 1 will be destroyed
btn2 = Button(root, text ="Button 2")
btn2.pack(pady = 10)
# after method destroying button-1
# and button-2 after certain time
btn1.after(3000, btn1.destroy)
btn2.after(6000, btn2.destroy)
# infinite loop

From output you may see that both the widgets are destroyed after a certain time limit and only root window will be left empty.

Note: There is another method available quit() which do not destroy widgets but it exits the tcl/tk interpreter i.e it stops the mainloop().

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